After extensive hours of looking up research, I figured that I was investing to much time on one topic. I had the most difficult time gathering information on my topic, so I decided to change it. I might have changed my mind once or twice about what my next topic was going to be, but I finally picked it out. I had decided that I was going to advocate on the ban on plastic bags. Within an hour of doing research I found more sources than what I needed to create a 10 page essay. Whether my previous topic was not mainstream enough, or there just simply wasn't any sources for it, I had a better topic in which I felt comfortable.
My new topic was not irrelevant to me, my family had previously made a change from plastic bags to canvas. This made it easier for me to inform my self and create a strong perspective on the topic. All mediums of information found on my webpage are not completely biased, they all show support with factual information that can be considered as primary sources.
This website is my perspective on the issue and all the research that I have gathered, as well as conducted, over the past months. Hopefully, you look around and enjoy the different genres that are on display, but most importantly, I can't stress it enough, I hope you learn something. Enjoy!